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Checks if the input object is an idaifield_docs-list, and if it is already unnested (i.e., of class idaifield_resources or idaifield_simple). If the object is not unnested, the function unnests it by stripping all top-level lists and returning only the list called "resource" within the db docs. If the input object cannot be processed because it is not an idaifield_docs or an unnested idaifield_resources or idaifield_simple object, the function issues a warning and returns the same object. You may force the function to process it anyway using force = TRUE, but the outcome is uncertain.


check_and_unnest(idaifield_docs, force = FALSE)



An object of class idaifield_docs to be processed.


TRUE/FALSE. Should the function attempt to unnest the input object regardless of type or class? Default is FALSE.


If already unnested, the same object as handed to it. If not, the same list with the top-level lists removed down to the "resource"-level.


if (FALSE) {
conn <- connect_idaifield(pwd = "hallo", project = "rtest")
idaifield_docs <- get_idaifield_docs(conn, raw = TRUE)

# Check if idaifield_docs is already unnested, and if not, do so:
idaifield_docs <- check_and_unnest(idaifield_docs)