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idaifieldR 0.3.4 2023-12-17

idaifieldR 0.3.3 2023-11-23

New features

  • Add idf_last_changed(connection, n = n): Returns a vector with the last n changed resources in the database.
  • Add idf_get_changes(connection, ids = c(...)): Returns a data.frame in which each change to one of the resources listed in ids (can be either their ‘identifier’ or ‘UUID’) corresponds to one row separated by creation or modification.
  • remove_config_names() issues a message about duplicate field or category names if it is appropriate. Functions may override data when multiple columns with the same name would otherwise exist, as e.g. ‘diameter’ and ‘projectName:diameter’. Attaches an attribute that lists the duplicate field/category names.

Minor changes


  • Fix problem in reformat_geometry() (MultiPolygons have to be unnested before processing). (Imported Polygons may be formatted improperly, unnest if necessary (reformat_geometry()). Geometry is still a work in progress.)
  • Fix a bug in get_field_index(), where it would return an empty data.frame if there was no configuration-resource.

idaifieldR 0.3.2 2023-04-15

idaifieldR 0.3.1 2023-04-02

idaifieldR 0.3.0 2023-04-02

  • remove sofa as dependency and add custom interface with reduced functionality
  • restructure unnesting (unnest_docs() & find_resource())
  • add get_field_index() - getting the uidlist/index directly from the database
  • exchange type with category everywhere (Attention: This may very well break previous scripts)
  • speed up find_layer() significantly
  • check if project exists before attempting to query the database

Breaking changes:

  • “type” does not refer to the type of resource (Find, Layer, Place etc.) any more and is renamed to category, as this is the current structure of the database. The uidlist-column “type” is renamed to “category” along with any reference to this information anywhere else (I hope ;) ).

idaifieldR 0.2.4 2023-03-31


  • handle / reformat dating fields by getting min and max date


  • get type OR category if type is empty in for get_uid_list()
  • multiple queries for idf_query() with type & category
  • in simplify_idaifield(), category is currently switched to type, but this will be changed later -> #TODO: rename type everywhere to category to reflect actual db structure

idaifieldR 0.2.3 2023-03-16

  • add language management for multi-language input fields when project has more than one project language
  • add language list lookup preparation (get_language_lookup()) for custom config fields
  • add download_language_list() to get current translations from GitHub
  • add ping-checks for all database-related functions to supply custom error messages
  • get_idaifield_docs() will now remove the Configuration as a doc and attach it as attribute to all custom classes, thus simplify_idaifield() will use the config-attribute directly and works without a connection.
  • simplify_idaifield() now allows to keep checkbox-fields etc. as-is
  • change idf_query() and idf_index_query() to return docs instead of simplified list to allow choice
  • all idaifield_...-lists are now named (with the identifier of each resource)
  • new demodata for future use (data("idaifieldr_demodata"))
  • rewritten vignettes and generally updated documentation
  • Notice: The changes may have created problems for iDAI.field 2, and I did not test using the package with iDAI.field 2, as I assume it is not used anymore. get_idaifield_docs() should still work.

idaifieldR 0.2.2 2023-02-18

  • config specific names now removed everywhere
  • fixed problem with if-condition when config exists
  • fixed problem with the calculation of means for ranged measurements
  • comments in the code in some places
  • speed up find_layer(), replace_uid() and check_if_uid()
  • more tests

idaifieldR 0.2.1 2022-10-23

  • Fixed find_layer() (internal), seems to work as intended now.
  • With the editor for the project configuration in iDAI.field 3, new fields and objects started to be named according to their configurations, e.g. “milet:temperType” etc., if the fields have been newly created. From now on those config specific names are removed from all fields, so that only the part after the double dot remains (e.g. “milet:temperType” becomes “temperType”).
  • check_if_uid() now handles vectors
  • Speed up get_uid_list(), replace_uid(), convert_to_onehot(), and fix_relations() (a lot)
  • split up import with get_idaifield_docs() and processing to be more usable with simplify_idaifield(), with advice to use the latter only on subsets so the time is more manageable.
  • add check_and_unnest() to export

idaifieldR 0.2.0 2022-05-15

  • Version number changed to 0.2, to reflect the rather dramatic changes.
  • Faster get_uid_list() using lapply()
  • Added idf_query() to specifically query the db for groups without first downloading everything
  • Added idf_index_query() to specifically query the db for things that are only available in the uidlist (needs a uidlist to do that)
  • simplified = TRUE (simplify_idaifield()) will now convert checkbox field to multiple columns. I should probably make this an option in the future, but I need to clean up that function first (TODO).
  • make it possible to import the configuration file (needed for some new functions; will only work with idaifield3 and up, hopefully); connection and projectname are now attributes of the “idaifield_docs” and “idaifield_resources” objects.
  • idaifield_as_matrix() now returns a matrix with character values, not lists
  • Dimension lists will be imported as a single value - this is still stupid, actually, but I can’t currently think of a better way.
  • Two Vignettes: Demo.Rmd with essential workflow, about.Rmd explaining a bit more. Demo.Rmd updated to begin working on that.

I stated that I don’t intend any structural changes, but that - apparently - was impossible. Old scripts will not work without interference with the new version.

idaifieldR 0.1.4 2021-05-09

  • add version to connect_idaifield()-function since options have changed with the switch to Field Desktop (iDAI.field 3)
  • update documentation accordingly

idaifieldR 0.1.3 2021-12-07

  • Updated docs
  • Changes geometry reformatting to accommodate 3D-data (if not available, set to 0)

idaifieldR 0.1.1 2021-04-13

First release.

I will try to limit future changes so that they will not affect the structural outcome of the core functions as they are now.

TODOs: * Find a way to handle the remaining lists better, esp in combination with the non-list columns. * Try to assign column type automatically (numeric for numbers etc.) * How to deal with the dimension…-fields (measurements)? Currently ignored, can be flattened with dplyr and friends.

idaifieldR 0.1.0 2021-03-03

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Basic functions work but are not thoroughly tested