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The idaifieldR-package is a tool for importing data from the iDAI.field / Field Desktop database into R. Its core functions establish a connection to a running iDAI.field 2 or 3 (Field Desktop) client through its API and retrieve the entire project database or a subset of it into a list in R memory. This eliminates the need for exporting data to CSV files, which can be time-consuming and limiting, and allows for the retrieval of all documents at once. Scripts can be re-run and updated with new data flexibly.

One of the key features of idaifieldR is its ability to clean and format the imported data for easier processing in R. The simplify_idaifield() function, for example, can replace UUIDs with appropriate identifiers, reformat geometry for use with R-packages like sp, and select preferred language inputs for multi-language fields, among other tasks. However, it’s important to keep in mind that processing large databases can be slow and memory-intensive.


To use idaifieldR, you’ll need to install it from GitHub since it is not yet available on CRAN. You can download the current release from the idaifieldR-GitHub page and install from the file. Alternatively, you can use either the devtools or remotes package to install it directly from GitHub.

Here’s an example of installing and loading idaifieldR using remotes:



Loading the Database and Creating an Index

To follow along with this tutorial using the same data, you can load the backup file located at ‘inst/testdata/rtest.jsonl’ from the GitHub repository into a new project called ‘rtest’ in your Field Client. This demo dataset uses a slightly customized project configuration to demonstrate relevant functions.

To load the complete database and create an object to serve as an index for further processing, you need to create a connection object that contains all the information R needs to connect to the Field Desktop database server. This can be done using the following code:

conn <- connect_idaifield(serverip = "", 
                          pwd = "hallo",
                          project = "rtest")

This code will ping the database and check if the connection is working. If you are using Field Desktop on the same computer, you may not need the serverip argument, as it defaults to the common localhost address. Enter the password that is set in your Field Desktop-Client under ‘Tools/Werkzeuge’ > ‘Settings/Einstellungen’: ‘Your password’/‘Eigenes Passwort’ as pwd. project corresponds to the name of the project you want to work with. For more information and additional arguments, please see the documentation:


To load the complete ‘rtest’-dataset into R, we can use the get_idaifield_docs() function and the connection object conn that we created earlier:

idaifield_test_docs <- get_idaifield_docs(connection = conn)

This function retrieves all the documents from the project specified in the conn object and stores them in a list called idaifield_test_docs. Note that retrieving all the documents at once can take some time and use up a lot of memory, especially for larger datasets.

After loading the dataset, you can take a look at its contents using the View() function in RStudio or by exploring the idaifield_test_docs object in the Environment window. The idaifield_test_docs object is a named nested list with the custom class idaifield_docs that contains one element for each resource in the database, reflecting the original JSON-structure. The name of each list is the identifier of the associated resource.

The doc$resource sub-list contains the actual entry for each resource, while the other sub-lists contain information about the changes made to each resource along with its basic data, such as the UUID that Field Desktop uses internally as the unique name of each resource. You can use this list to visualize changes made to database entries on a time axis sorted by users, etc., but we will continue to utilize idaifieldR’s functions to work with the actual data.

The check_and_unnest() function from idaifieldR can be used to reduce the idaifield_test_docs list to the resource level. Although this step is not necessary for further processing, it can make the data easier to work with. You can use the following code to apply check_and_unnest() to the idaifield_test_docs list:

idaifield_test_resources <- check_and_unnest(idaifield_test_docs)

For more information on check_and_unnest() and its arguments, you can check out the documentation using ?check_and_unnest. The unnested list contains only the actual data you entered in Field Desktop, and it takes up less memory than the original nested list. You can browse this object using View(idaifield_test_resources) in RStudio, or by accessing its elements such as idaifield_test_resources$Befund_6_KER_18 to see the difference. This step is done automatically by idaifieldR functions internally, so you don’t have to worry about it.

To give you a quick overview of our data, we can generate an index of the database by querying it using the get_field_index() function with the connection object conn and the argument language = "en" to set the language of the returned index to English. This index contains only the most basic information about each object, such as its UUID, its identifier, and its category:

index <- get_field_index(conn,
                         verbose = TRUE, 
                         language = "en")
#> The list was already unnested to resource-level.
category UID identifier isRecordedIn liesWithin shortDescription liesWithinLayer
Layer 02932bc4-22ce-3080-a205-e050b489c0c2 Befund_6 Schnitt 1 SE02 NA NA
Survey 031179fb-ac01-6b29-b6fc-b1b486d9bff8 Surveyareal 1 NA Weniger_schöner_Ort NA NA
Bone 0324141a-8201-c5dc-631b-4dded4552ac4 KNOCHEN_1 Schnitt 1 Grab_1 NA NA
Pottery 0569d787-aa67-e105-3a27-cba29012e78e Befund_6_KER_4 Schnitt 1 Befund_6 NA NA
Pottery 0860b5a5-4602-9feb-fabb-85610298bd93 Befund_6_KER_18 Schnitt 1 Befund_6 NA NA
Mollusk 0cc6771c-5532-467f-90af-eb3bbd326437 MOLLUSK_cm_meas_dimTest Schnitt 1 Befund_5 DO NOT CHANGE NA

When using the get_field_index() function with verbose = TRUE, it includes the field shortDescription of each object from the database. By default, tries to get the English values from multi-language fields, but you can specify the preferred language. For example, setting language = "de" will display the German language description. If the selected language does not exist, the function will substitute another language.

To visualize the data from the index, we can use ggplot2 and the pipe-operator from dplyr. This will give us a general idea of the data we are working with.


index %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = liesWithin, fill = category)) + 

As you can see, the demo data encompasses a variety of finds, that are recorded in different “Layers” and “Trenches”. To get to the data and produce some more useful plots, we will now simplify our idaifield_test_resources-list.

Simplify the List

The function simplify_idaifield() takes several arguments that control the output. You can learn more about them in the documentation (?simplify_idaifield). In most cases, it should suffice to use the defaults and only pass the imported idaifield_docs or idaifield_resources list.

idaifield_test_simple <- simplify_idaifield(idaifield_test_resources, 
                                            keep_geometry = FALSE,
                                            replace_uids = TRUE, 
                                            uidlist = index,
                                            language = "en",
                                            spread_fields = TRUE)
#> The list was already unnested to resource-level.
#> In `find_layer()`: categories considered *Layers* are: 
#>   Layer; Grave; Burial; Architecture; Floor; SurveyUnit
#>   Supply `layer_categories` argument or change the options-list: getOption("idaifield_categories")

The simplify_idaifield() function provides a convenient way to simplify the format of an idaifield_docs or idaifield_resources list. By default, it tries to use the English values from multi-language input fields, and if not available, it uses the next available language in alphabetical order. You can, of course, select the language of your data as well. If you want to keep all languages from the multi-language input fields, you can set language = "all".

In addition, keep_geometry = FALSE removes all coordinate information from the resources. This may be useful if you don’t need the geographical data or want to save memory. By default, replace_uids is set to TRUE, which replaces UUIDs in the data with their corresponding identifiers to make them more readable.

Checkbox fields and the campaign field are automatically spread across multiple entries to later store them in multiple columns in a matrix. This behaviour can be changed by setting spread_fields = FALSE.

If you process the entire database with simplify_idaifield(), you don’t need to supply an index. The function will generate its own index. However, if you only process a subset of the data, you will need to supply an index of the complete database.

In summary, simplify_idaifield() provides several options to control the output of the data extraction. For more information on the available options, you can consult the documentation using the ?simplify_idaifield command.

The list now has the idaifield_simple class. Browse the resulting list by clicking on it in your Environment-window in RStudio or use View(idaifield_test_simple). All idaifield_...-objects carry the connection and name of the project as attributes with them for later use. You can view them with attributes(idaifield_test_simple).

If you want to analyze your data in a customized way, it’s recommended that you work directly with the idaifield_resources-list and extract the information you need. However, if you prefer to have a matrix format, idaifieldR provides a function that can convert the list into a matrix. Before doing so, it’s useful to select only the resources that are relevant to your analysis. For example, if you are only interested in pottery, you can use the idf_select_by() function from idaifieldR to filter the list accordingly. The documentation for this function can be found at ?idf_select_by:

pottery <- idf_select_by(idaifield_test_simple, by = "category", value = "Pottery")
#> The list was already unnested to resource-level and simplified.


The same outcome can be achieved by querying the database directly. See the documentation of ?idf_index_query, ?idf_query and ?idf_json_query. This may be useful when you frequently want to update your data, but have a large amount of resources in the database of which you only need a small subset:

pottery_docs <- idf_query(conn, 
                          field = "category", 
                          value = "Pottery")

The query-functions will return idaifield_docs-lists that (if you so wish) you still need to simplify. You need to supply the index to the uidlist-argument, otherwise UUIDs of relations cannot be replaced:

pottery_simple <- simplify_idaifield(pottery_docs, uidlist = index, language = "en")

Transform the Lists to a Matrix / data.frame

In both cases, you should now have an idaifield_simple object with 37 elements. This, we will turn into a matrix, or directly into a data.frame to make plots easier:

pottery <- idaifield_as_matrix(pottery) %>%
#> The list was already unnested to resource-level.

When viewing the resulting Pottery-data frame, you will notice that the campaign-field has been converted to multiple columns. If a custom configuration is present and can be accessed by get_configuration(), this will happen to all custom checkbox-fields, as there is no other way to conveniently deal with such fields in a data frame. You can prevent this by setting spread_field = FALSE in simplify_idaifield(). To make different or better use of it, try to format the original list itself according to your needs.

From the data frame, we can produce some basic plots and take a look at the distribution of periods across our layers:

pottery %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = relation.liesWithin, fill = period)) + 

And another example:

pottery %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = vesselForm, fill = specificType)) + 


There are currently two functions that will make it easier to replace the internal names of variables with their translations in different languages:

core_lang_list <- download_language_list(project = "core", language = "en")
milet_lang_list <- download_language_list(project = "Milet", language = "en")

Since these functions download the Language configuration from, I would advise you to safe the result in a local RDS-file after you prepared everything. You can prepare a lookup-table like this:

lookup <- get_language_lookup(core_lang_list, language = "en")
lookup <- rbind(lookup, get_language_lookup(milet_lang_list, language = "en"))

To get the translations from the Project configuration, you can get it using get_configuration(). Please note that you need to be able to connect to the database in order to do that. This will also give you an impression of how the lookup-table is set up:

config <- get_configuration(conn)
lookup_conf <- get_language_lookup(config$languages, language = "en")
var label
Testformular Test Form
testCustomField englisch testCustomField

You can use this to manually replace values for plots. The translations from valuelists can currently not be imported, so this only applies to the names of fields.


To make a long story short and sum it up, there are two ways that you can get all your Pottery-resources into R. The following few lines are always necessary:

conn <- connect_idaifield(pwd = "hallo", project = "idaifieldr-demo")
db <- get_idaifield_docs(connection = conn)
index <- get_field_index(conn)

Using the following few lines and all default arguments while selecting from the whole database:

pottery <- db %>%
  idf_select_by(by = "category", value = "Pottery") %>%
  # Note: simplify_idaifield() needs the index of the complete project database 
  # as a lookup-table to replace all UUIDs with their identifiers
  simplify_idaifield(uidlist = index) %>%
  idaifield_as_matrix() %>%

Or using the following few lines with direct queries to the database, see also ?idf_index_query and ?idf_json_query:

pottery <- idf_query(connection = conn,
                     project = "idaifieldr-demo", 
                     field = "category", 
                     value = "Pottery") %>%
  idaifield_as_matrix() %>%