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This vignette only highlights the most basic functions and shows a way to get to your data quickly.

Connection: Example

conn <- connect_idaifield(pwd = "hallo", project = "rtest")
db <- get_idaifield_docs(connection = conn)
index <- get_uid_list(db)

Selection and Simplify: Example

Using the following few lines and all default arguments while selecting from the whole database:

pottery <- db %>%
  idf_select_by(by = "category", value = "Pottery") %>%
  # Note: simplify_idaifield() needs the index of the complete project database 
  # as a lookup-table to replace all UUIDs with their identifiers
  simplify_idaifield(uidlist = index) %>%
  idaifield_as_matrix() %>%

Query and Simplify: Example

Or using the following few lines with direct queries to the database:

pottery <- idf_query(connection = conn,
                     field = "type", 
                     value = "Pottery") %>%
  simplify_idaifield(uidlist = index) %>%
  idaifield_as_matrix() %>%

See also: ?idf_index_query, ?idf_query and ?idf_json_query.

Language Lookup: Example

Downloading translations and converting them into a lookup table:

core_lang_list <- download_language_list(project = "core", language = "de")
pergamon_lang_list <- download_language_list(project = "Pergamon", language = "de")
config_lang_list <- get_configuration(attr(db, "connection"))
config_lang_list <- config_lang_list$languages

lookup <- get_language_lookup(core_lang_list, language = "de")
lookup <- rbind(lookup, get_language_lookup(pergamon_lang_list, language = "de"))
lookup <- rbind(lookup, get_language_lookup(config_lang_list, language = "de"))


translated <- colnames(pottery)
names(translated) <- lookup$label[match(translated, lookup$var)]
