The function compiles a table of background values and their translations
in the language selected from the configuration supplied to it. Current
Configuration resources from the database obtained by
only contain canges made after the
addition of the project configuration editor in iDAI.field 3.
You can obtain older language configurations with
from the iDAI.field GitHub repository.
- lang_list
A list in the format used by iDAI.fields configuration, containing a separate list for each language with its short name (e.g. "en", "de") in which the "commons", "categories" etc. lists are contained. Can be obtained with
.- language
Language short name that is to be extracted, e.g. "en", defaults to "en"
- remove_config_names
TRUE/FALSE: Should the name of the project be removed from field names of the configuration? (Default is TRUE.) (Should e.g.: test:amount be renamed to amount, see
A data.frame that can serve as a lookup table, with the background name in the "var" column, and the selected language in the "label" column.
Be aware: if two things have the same name in the background of the database / project configuration but you use different translations this will result in only one of the translations being used.
See also
Get the necessary configuration:
or the default configurations available online:download_language_list()
if (FALSE) {
conn <- connect_idaifield(serverip = "",
project = "rtest",
pwd = "hallo")
config <- get_configuration(connection = conn)
lookup <- get_language_lookup(config$languages, language = "en")