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The function compiles a table of background values and their translations in the language selected from the configuration supplied to it. Current Configuration resources from the database obtained by get_configuration() only contain canges made after the addition of the project configuration editor in iDAI.field 3. You can obtain older language configurations with download_language_list() from the iDAI.field GitHub repository.


get_language_lookup(lang_list, language = "en", remove_config_names = TRUE)



A list in the format used by iDAI.fields configuration, containing a separate list for each language with its short name (e.g. "en", "de") in which the "commons", "categories" etc. lists are contained. Can be obtained with get_configuration().


Language short name that is to be extracted, e.g. "en", defaults to "en"


TRUE/FALSE: Should the name of the project be removed from field names of the configuration? (Default is TRUE.) (Should e.g.: test:amount be renamed to amount, see remove_config_names().)


A data.frame that can serve as a lookup table, with the background name in the "var" column, and the selected language in the "label" column.


Be aware: if two things have the same name in the background of the database / project configuration but you use different translations this will result in only one of the translations being used.

See also


if (FALSE) {
conn <- connect_idaifield(serverip = "",
                          project = "rtest",
                          pwd = "hallo")
config <- get_configuration(connection = conn)
lookup <- get_language_lookup(config$languages, language = "en")