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This function unnests the lists provided by iDAI.field 2 / Field Desktop. The actual data of a resource is usually stored in a sub-list behind $doc$resource, which contains the data one would mostly want to work with in R. The top level data contains information about who created and modified the resource at what time and is irrelevant for any analysis of the database contents itself.





A list as provided by get_idaifield_docs(). get_idaifield_docs() employs this function already when setting raw = FALSE.


a list of class idaifield_resources (same as idaifield_docs, but the top-level with meta-information has been removed to make the actual resource data more accessible)


if (FALSE) {
connection <- connect_idaifield(serverip = "",
user = "R", pwd = "hallo")
idaifield_docs <- get_idaifield_docs(connection = connection,
projectname = "rtest")

idaifield_resources <- unnest_docs(idaifield_docs)